Leasing vs. Buying a Vehicle

Leasing vs.Buying a Vehicle

The question of whether it is better to lease or buy a car can be a tough one to answer in certain situations.Both options have their advantages and disadvantages depending on how much you want to spend upfront,how much you can afford in monthly payments,how long you want to keep the vehicle,how much you drive and numerous other similar factors.

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Tips for Trading in a Car

Tips for Trading in a Car

Trading in a car is always a tricky proposition.Many people are hesitant to deal with car dealerships when buying a new car,let alone trading in their old ride.Whether they feel hesitant about their own negotiating skills,or are just concerned that they do not know enough about the value of their vehicle to feel they can bargain effectively with professionals,car trade ins can be a daunting proposition.

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5 Best Family Cars

5 Best Family Cars

When searching for the best family cars,a lot of factors must be considered.All good family cars must have high safety ratings to keep the little ones safe.Family cars must also be highly reliable,as anyone who has been down a vehicle with children can tell you,having a car that works every time is a huge plus.The top family cars must also be able to keep up with a hefty amount of abuse that is likely to befall any car that is routinely occupied by children of any age.

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Car Insurance Factors: Why You Might Have High Auto Insurance Rates

Car Insurance Factors:Why You Might Have High Auto Insurance Rates

Understanding car insurance rates can often be a confusing process.So many variables factor into calculating your car insurance rates that it may seem like the number was pulled out of thin air.In reality,auto insurance factors are brought about by complex formulas wrought from mountains of data and statistics,which all combine together to give each and every one of us a risk profile –that is,the likelihood that we will file a claim that requires our insurance company to pay out.

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Distracted Driving: The Dangers of Texting and Driving

Distracted Driving:The Dangers of Texting and Driving

The NHTSA has repeatedly found that distracted driving is far and away the number one cause of accidents,both fatal and otherwise,in America.Included under the term distracted driving is a whole host of dangerous activities,from eating,looking at scenery,rubbernecking,talking to others,daydreaming,adjusting the radio,and any other action which takes your exclusive attention off the road.While distracted driving is not new,one form of it is:driving while texting.

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Truck Drivers And Skin Cancer: How You Can Reduce Your Risk | Guest Post

Truck Drivers And Skin Cancer:How You Can Reduce Your Risk|Guest Post

The dangers and challenges of being a truck driver don’t all disappear once the job is done and the truck rolls back home again.Traffic hazards,bad food and sleepless nights go with the job;stocking up on UV exposure makes skin cancer the worst kind of retirement plan.

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Vehicle Maintenance: How Often to Service a Vehicle

Vehicle Maintenance:How Often to Service a Vehicle

Making sure you are servicing a car can be the difference between getting where you are going or breaking down on the side of the road.Of course,the question then becomes how often to service a vehicle.If you ask 100 mechanics,you make get 100 different answers,so let’s take a look at some of the main factors that influence when you should service your vehicle,and some general recommended guidelines.

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Worst Traffic in the US in 2013

Worst Traffic in the US in 2013

In a poll,100%of the respondents agreed that they don’t like traffic.It’s not hard to see why,traffic seems to get our blood boiling like no other irritation.Perhaps it’s the simple fact that we lose so much time,money,and effort sitting in traffic,or that there is no discernible reason for the slowdown.No matter the cause,traffic is a menace that we all look to avoid whenever possible.Living in a city means you are going to be exposed to some of the worst traffic in America.

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Auto Technology: Broadband in New Cars

Auto Technology:Broadband in New Cars

The technological revolution of the last 20 years has affected every aspect of our lives,and auto technology is no different.Whether it was the catalytic converter,fuel injection systems,or today’s cutting edge technology like auto-braking,advanced electronic monitoring systems,or even auto internet connectivity,the automobile as we know it is rapidly changing.

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Chinese Automakers and Sales of Cars in China

Chinese Automakers and Sales of Cars in China

Strong Chinese car sales in 2009 made China the largest automotive industry in the world by volume.Though the Chinese don’t quite have the same love affair with the car as Americans do,the explosion of urban areas and wealth in China has led to a huge increase in the industry there.That said,let’s take a look at the indigenous Chinese automakers,and their efforts both to tap into their local markets,and the potential they have to expand overseas.

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Recalls on Vehicles in 2013

Recalls on Vehicles in 2013

Many of us have received the letter at one time or another:there’s been a recall on your car.While never a fun experience,recalls on vehicles serve an important purpose:to fix an ongoing and systemic issue that is faulty in a car,whether the gas tanks leaks or a window switch is faulty.Though often not life-threatening,the decision to do a recall on cars is not made lightly,and,when manufacturers do issue a recall,it is wise to heed the warning.

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